
Choosing a good day to start business

Timing is everything in business. Whether you’re starting something new, negotiating a deal or signing a contract, picking a date when market conditions are conducive for your endeavour will go a long way. It eliminates a significant portion of risk factors and could yield profitable returns.


The ideal business environment

Location, location, location — this is the mantra that the real estate world lives and breathes. It is not very different for business owners when it comes to selecting a premise for their endeavours which can range from corporate enterprises to food and beverage establishments.


How Feng Shui can move your business forward

In my many years of providing Feng Shui consultation for businesses all around the world, one of the luxuries that I treasure most is not having to compel or convince new clients based on results. Most people who ask for Feng Shui consultations are already convinced with the prospects of having a Feng Shui-driven business. Nevertheless, there are still two kinds of people within this group — those who wholly understand the benefits of the service and those who simply follow the herd.